Manage your vintage Star Wars collection with the portfolio features of Star Wars Tracker.

You will find this record keeping functionality invaluable!

I like being able to keep track of my collection, adding pictures and being able to create categories. Making it easier to quickly look up something I have if necessary

— Robbie Lander

Join the many vintage Star Wars collectors and get started for FREE

Start tracking your collection, and know where you stand ... always.

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Developed by a collector, Star Wars Tracker is uniquely designed to be a feature rich service for maintaining accurate records of your collection. We know your collection is important to you, that's why we respectfully refer to it as your Portfolios.

Manage your collection with rich desktop funcitonality
All your data in Star Wars Tracker is stored securely on our cloud servers. So it is always available wherever you are

Your portfolio information is stored securely in the cloud, meaning it is accessible to you always, no matter where you are. It also means your portfolios are in sync no matter if you are using the smart phone apps, or the Desktop application!

I am a huge fan of the cataloging feature which allows me to keep my collection documented both by list and picture. I highly recommend this to any vintage Star Wars collector.

— William Carmack

Choose from the extensive catalogues that cover thousands of items over ten distinct categories, including loose figures, vehicles, playsets, and even the niche area of power of the force mail away coins.

Keep track of your collection in portfolios created by you

Have some unique items, or collectibles that are not covered in our curated catalogues? Then simply define your own private catalogue extensions.

Define your own Private Catalogue Extensions

Star Wars Tracker makes it possible for you to track and cover all of your collection. Have something not covered in our curated lists, then just define any required items yourself and add them to your portfolios!

Keep track of your collection in portfolios created by you

Portfolio item screens allow you to capture as little, or as much information as you like, including a generous amount of images for every item.

Star Wars Power of the Force Anakin 92 back MOC

I've been using an old Google Doc for years to track my collection, until I found Star Wars Tracker. It's now my go-to for tracking my collection. I love that it gives an image, and allows you to put so much info!

— Tad Moore

Get started on your portfolios today for FREE

Get organized, and stay in control

Start Your Free Trial

Star Wars Tracker has thousands of reference images at your fingertips, making it easy to identify your own pieces in the catalogues. If you can't find what you are looking for, we are happy to steer you in the right direction.

The many MOC variations for Luke Farmboy with Yellow hair
(Thousands of reference images available throughout the app)

Graded collector? We have you covered - you can record the grades obtained for items in your portfolio. Not only for your records, this is used in valuations for fair and accurate results.

We include options for the main players such as AFA, CAS and UKG.

Select grading for your items. We have options for AFA, CAS and UKG.

Run an on-demand valuation with the click of a button! Star Wars Tracker will assess your portfolio against the market data price guide to give you an accurate valuation.

Run a valuation of your collection anytime

Every week you will get a detailed summary of your portfolios, delivered straight to your inbox. See how your valuation changes over time, and get new insights into your collection.

Personalized valuation
High level overall portfolio valuation
Personalized valuation
Detailed line-item valuations

Star Wars Tracker is the premium tool for all vintage Star Wars collectors.

Get Started Now
Tracking the market. For your collection.
Star Wars Tracker has been around for 10 years providing Star Wars action figure price guides and portfolio management of your Star Wars collection
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